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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Ninja Saga!

Cheat NinjaSagaX [PNS] Instant Mission 19 Mei 2011

Cheat NinjaSagaX [PNS] Instant Mission 19 Mei 2011
Released : 19 Mei 2011
Tools :
[-]swf files

The Way is same as the other cheat that requires fiddler, but this use REGEX..

Spoiler for : Click For Download...
Cheat ninja saga All mission dummy 16 Mei 2011
released : 16 Mei 2011
Tools :
[-] Fiddler2
[-] .swfi Files


How to :

drag the Swf into Fiddler2 and the Regex
Clear cache
Login Ninja Saga
Run Mission


Cheat Ninja Saga ATM Exp 15 Mei 2011
Released : 15 Mei 2011
Tools :
[-].swf files

How To :

1. Open NS

2. Open Fiddler2

3. Select Tab auto responder (an icon of his green lightning)

4. Checklist box for "Enable automatic responses"

5. Checklist box "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests"

6. Drag (click and hold) the swf file and move it to the fiddler2

7. Sign in to headquarters

8. select token > gold

9. Enter the desired level

10. Click the exchanges and wait until finished

Cheat Ninja Saga ATM Exp 13 Mei 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga ATM Exp 13 Mei 2011
released : 13 Mei 2011
Tools :
[*] fiddler2
[*] .Swf Files
[*] Browser

Tutor is same as the other cheat that requires fiddler2 to works


Ninja Saga Recuit Friend!

  • Masuk Ke Ninja Saga Agan
  • Buka CE [Cheat Engine] V.5.6.1 [ Cari di blog ini atau di om Google ]
  • Klik icon computer Di pojok kiri atas pilih Plugin Container untuk pengguna Mozilla [Pilih chrome untuk yang menggunakan Google Chrome atau yang lainnya] 
  • Sebelumnya beli dulu ITEM HEALING dan CAKRA biar darah agan nantinya lama matinya dan punya CAKRA yang cukup sampai akhir pertandingan.
  • Pilih 4 Bytes dan Also Scan Read-only Memory
  • Masukan Jumlah Gold agan di Kolom HEX
  • Nah kalu keluar adress di samping cari yang akhirnya xxxxxxx78 dan ganti jadi xxxxxxxAC
  • Maka valuenya akan muncul Level Agan sendiri Contohnya Value kang Yasin 20 [Kenapa] karena Level kang Yasin yah 20 tergantung dari Level agan semua
  • Kalau sudah Masuk Ke Chunin Exam agan yang 4/5 Lawan deh sama temen-teman agan semua yang levelnyanya 60 dan punya jurus hebat-hebat.

NIH Screenshootnya :

PERHATIKAN LEVEL dari kang yasin









Cheat NinjaSagaX [PNS] ATM Exp 17 Mei 2011

Cheat NinjaSagaX [PNS] ATM Exp 17 Mei 2011
released : 17 Mei 2011
Tools :
[-].swf files

Go To PNS > Academy

Spoiler for : Click For Download...

Tips And Trick

#Hack Facebook New

Senin, 18 April 2011.

oke,buat agan2 kaskus semuanya saya punya info menarik terbaru dalam dunia HACK meng HACk caranya sangat gampang dan luar binasa instannya,,,, yang di butuhkan adalah modal berbohong,,, dan merayu.... hohohoho

check this out gan !!!!

Nieh, ada trik yg aku jamin ke akuratannya 100% chuy, bukan hanya dalam ngehack facebook tetapi juga bisa buat twitter,fs, dll tetapi kekurangannya ngak bisa di lakukan. .ke orang yg jauh mah kita !!! Paling juga temen sekelas, teman sekelas yg qt sukai, teman komplek, temen jauh dan deket, pokoknya yg deketlah ! ! !

Nieh,, langkah2nya

1. Pertama2 buka operamini anda !(harus yg versi terbaru, 5.1) jika ngak punya download langsung di Klik ini udah g ada yang 5.1 cari deh di 4* or blog2)

2. Setelah operamini anda terbuka !! Carilah korban anda(kayak pereman ajah ya ) !

3. Kalu korban uda ketemu bilang deh mah dia "mau ol gratis ngak ?" (or kata2 ap sja yg bisa ngebuat sang korban mau ol di hp u) !!! hari ini ada orang nolak OL gratis ,,, ???

4. Jika sang korban sudah mau login lewat hp kamu !!! N udah login ..... Tunggu beberapa menit agar sang korban tak curiga ???

5. Ambil kembali hp anda dengan ratusan ribu alasan(udah ahli kan) !

6. Setelah hp di ambil lagi,, buka lah aplikasi operamini 5.1 yg tadi teman anda gunakan untuk login !

7. Setelah itu ketikan

8. Jika kamu beruntung email dan password temen kamu masih, tertinggal dalam kotak login !

9. Klick kotak password>options>fullscreen edit

10. Selamat anda sudah jadi hacker.

Bagaimana temen2,, tips di atas berhasil ngak ?

Note : sebenarnya, tidak di butuhkan keahlian ap2 untuk melakukan trik ini. Karena sebenarnya operamini 5.1 punya kelebihan yaitu"save password" menu. Jadi siapapun yg nulis passwordnya dalam operamini akan secara otomatis tersave.

Semoga membantu dan TOLONG RATENYA 

#Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Dengan Mudah $$$$

Jumat, 15 April 2011.
eeeitt...satu lagi...Kalo yang ini agak beda broo..
Kali ini saya akan memberikan Cara cepat dapat dollar dengan mengikuti survey di internet, setelah bergabung kamu akan mensurvey atau menilai website cukup dengan 3 kata seperti : is very good atao is less good, cukup mudah dan kamu akan di bayar dengan dollar..Survey pertama setelah bergabung kamu bisa mendapatkan $27.
Bukan penipuan,No SCAM..daftar gratis,,Ayo buruan gabung, klik Register Here !!!!!!!

caranya sangat mudah:
1.daftar ato register disini
2.Setelah anda mendaftar lanjutkan dengan login, terus anda akan menemukan kolom kuning yang dibawahnya ada perintah Klik Survey,tinggal click setelah muncul berikan jawaban is very good ato is less good begitu seterusnya ampe selesai...
3.Ingat anda mesti mempunyai Referrals agar bisa mendapatkan dollarnya dengan cepat.
4.PAYOUT melalui PAYPAL dan ALERTPAY jadi lo mesti punya tuhh....


#Hack FB Twitter dll

Kamis, 14 April 2011.
Pilih Pilihan yg Tepat :)
Boleh Saja Copas Dari Blog Saya Tapi Jangan Merubah Link dan Creditnya :) 

Password : marscelebrity 
perlu di ketahui bahwa semua itu tidak menunjukkan kalo kalian hacker.
cobalah untuk berpikir kritis dan jangan hanya ingin yang instan meskipun disini saya akan menjelaskan salah satu cara hacking facebook, twitter,dll tersebut..
tapi ingatlah.. jangan sekali2 tanyakan pada orang termasuk di forum ini mungkin "BAGAIMANA CARA HACK ACCOUNT FACEBOOK"
atau dengan kata lain.. "KAKAK AJARI SAYA CARA HACKING FACEBOOK" dengan wajah yang memelas dan dengan harapan ada yang membantu kalian untuk kepentingan kalian sendiri cuman kalian pengen di anggap "Hacker" oleh facebook teman kalian yang berhasil di hack

it's not our way..
yang terpenting adalah ilmu bukan anggapan bahwa kalian adalah hacker..

cukup basa-basinya.. lanjut ke konteks tutorial..
Bagi yang sudah tahu silahkan lewaaaat juga tidak apa-apa..

cara hacking facebook yang akan saya tulis ini adalah dengan menggunakan addons FIRESHEEP. Firesheep merupakan add-on firefox yang bisa digunakan untuk hacking facebook. Firesheep ini buatan Eric Butler, seorang freelance web aplikasi dan pengembang perangkat lunak. Sebenarnya firesheep ini bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi kurangnya keamanan user login dan cookie pada web-web populer seperti facebook. Sebenarnya Firesheep bukan hanya digunakan untuk facebook saja tapi banyak website populer lainnya seperti cookies dari, Basecamp,, Cisco, CNET, Dropbox, Enom, Evernote, Flickr, Github, Google, HackerNews, Harvest, Windows Live, NY Times, Pivotal Tracker, Slicehost, tumblr, Twitter, WordPress, Yahoo, Yelp

Firesheep ini merupakan software opensource yang bisa anda download di
dan jangan lupa bagi anda pengguna windows untuk memasang winpcap terlebih dahulu. Setelah anda mendownload dan menginstall firesheep dan anda sedang berselancar ria di jaringan wifi yang gratis misalnya di cafe. maka akan muncul sebuah sidebar baru yang menampilkan user-user yang sedang login ke sebuah web sebagai contoh adalah Facebook. Jika pengguna wifi ada yang login ke facebook dan tampil di sidebar anda, maka anda hanya butuh mengklik 2 kali dan anda sekarang bisa login sebagai dia tanpa harus memasukkan username dan password lagi.

Untuk cara menggunakan firesheep, tinggal tekan Ctrl + Shift + S pada keyboard. maka secara otomatis akan muncul Sidebar di firefox anda. Kemudian klik tombol Start Capturing. Jika berhasil, maka akan muncul beberapa facebook orang-orang yang sedang online di kawasan hotspot anda.




thanks to : deadc0de

diambila dari Link

jika mw tutoy with video silahkan kunjungi link diatas 



Cheat Point Blank White-hat Winmode 09 June 2011

Cheat Point Blank White-hat Winmode 09 June 2011
Released : 09 june 2011

Features :

Hotkeys :
[-]Auto On

Spoiler for : Click For Download...


#One Hit ( 1 hit ) Shotgun 06-06-2011

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011.
Download :

Fitur/Hotkey :

1 Hit Sg On  : Klik kiri
1 Hit Sg Off : QQQ [Tekan Q 3x]

Cara Pakai :

-Buka PB
-Buka Cheat
-Start Pb
-Inject Cheat
-Keluar Notice Sperti gambar Di Bawah Ini [Jangan Di OK]
-Tekan ENTER pada keyboard

Cara Pemakaian 1 Hit Nya :

-Setiap kali Kita Tekan/Pencit Klik Kiri ,
 Kalian Harus tekan QQQ

-Contoh ..:

 Ketika Kita sedang memilih server Otomatis Kita mencet klik Kiri ,
 Jadi kita harus tekan QQQ
 Dan ketika milih Room Juga Begitu...
 Saat main Dalam Room Juga Begitu...
 Sekali tembak Kita tekan QQQ

-Selamat Chain killer...


Wallhack + Wallshot Update 06-06-2011

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011.
Download :

Fitur :
Wallhack Relase Kotor/No Charms
Wallshot Auto No Off [Tekan Hotkey 1x Gak Usah Offkan]

Hotkey :
Wallhack : INSERT
Wallshot : Ctrl + .... [Hiden]

Cara penggunaan :
-Download Cheat Dari Pekalongan
-Extract Cheat nya
-Pindahkan File Bernama "msvcr100.dll" Ke Folder PB Kamu
 [klik kanan Pada Shotcut Pb Yg Di Destop - Properties - Fin target..]

-Buka PB Kamu
-Buka Cheatnya
-Start Pb nya
-Tekan Inject WH + WS

NB :
-Work ALl Windows
-Tolong Gunakan Dengan Sebaik baiknya


Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Wallshot 06 June 2011

Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Wallshot 06 June 2011
Released : 06 June 2011
Features :
[-]Wallhack Kotor / No Charms
[-]Wallshot Auto oN Off [Press Hotkey 1x, don't Need to be Off ]

Hotkeys :
[-]Wallhack : INSERT
[-]Wallshot : Ctrl + .... [Hidden]

How To Use :
[-]Extract the Cheat
[-]Pindahkan File Bernama "msvcr100.dll" to Your PB Folder
[Right Click on Shortcut Pb Yg Di Desktop - Properties - Find target..]
[-]Open PB
[-]Open The Cheat
[-]Start the PB
[-]Press Inject WH + WS

Spoiler for : Click For Download...

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Ayo Dance

#Cheat Ayodance v6066 Auto Press For battle Party

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011.

Download di Sini :


Jangan Lupa Disable Eagle NT




#Cheat Paket PRO v6066 FREE BY Mars Celebrity

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011.
Download di Sini :

Jangan Lupa Disable Eagle NT 

 Cheat Ayo Dance v.6066
        Download Disini

 # Cheat Paket FULL v6066

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011.

Map Haunted=======>> F1
PF On=============>> F3
PF OFF============>> F4
Mode C4===========>> F5
Mode CFS==========>> F6
Insane On=========>> F7
Insane OFF========>> F8
Story On==========>> F9
Story OFF=========>> F10
Invite 1NPC=======>> F11
Nick Room Hack====>> F12
Skin Normal=======>> Numeric /
Skin White========>> Numeric *
Skin Black========>> Numeric -
Chance Random=====>> 1
Chance Free=======>> 2
Chance Dynamic====>> 3
Open Last Npc=====>> 4
TIme Hack=========>> Delet
2Key==============>> End
Hidden Song=======>> Page Up
Emotion+Anti Sensor: Page Down
Anti DC Hack Chance: Auto On
Anti DC Hack Move : Auto On
Black Map Haunted: Auto On, ( Jika Maen DI Map Haunted)

Pass : Akira
Credit : Mars

Download di Sini :


Jangan Lupa Disable Eagle NT



 Software And Games

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 [RIP]

Platform: PC
Genre: Skateboarding
Developer: Neversoft Ent.
Language: En
Size: 260 MB

After an onslaught of extreme games that came and went and Activision's curious pursuit of the most eccentric regions of extreme sports, such as wakeboarding, the world is left with one -- and thankfully, the best -- of them all, the Tony Hawk series. Going into its sixth iteration, Neversoft's Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is the culmination of six years or refinement, experiment, and expansion from a series that rewrote the way action videogames are played. Not to mention making Activision, Neversoft, and Tony Hawk himself very rich and very popular in the process.


1. unrar
2. double-click on the setup.bat file
3. Launch \Game\THUG2.exe to play the game.

Download (Wupload)

Mirror (Filesonic)

Mirror (Fileserve)


F1 2010 ENG RIP by globe@

F1 2010 ENG RIP by globe@ | 1.82 GB
Genre : Arcade (Sport/Formula)/Simulator (Racing/Cars)/3D
Developer : Codemasters Studios Birmingham | Publisher : Codemasters
Platform : PC | Publication Type : RIP | Language : English

Immerse yourself in the charm and lifestyle of this pilot of one of the most exciting sport - Formula 1 ™! Compete with the official drivers and their teams in a highly anticipated game in 2010 by the International Automobile Federation (FIA) - FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ™.
Compete with real Formula 1 ™ drivers such as Vitaly Petrov, Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso. You can become a real winner Canadian Grand Prix, to take part in a dramatic night race in Singapore and take first place in the new GP circuit Korea. The new engine from Codemasters «EGO Game Technology» will give you the stunning visual effects, dynamic change of weather and completely unbelievable realistic damage model. All this can be felt not only in a single game, but also in competition with your friends in multiplayer.

- New engine from Codemasters «EGO Game Technology» gives you stunning visual effects, dynamic change of weather and completely unbelievable realistic damage model. All this can be felt not only in a single game, but also in competition with your friends in multiplayer
- In F1 2010 you are waiting for all drivers and teams a sensational racing season, "Formula 1" in 2010, including world champions Jenson Button, Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso and Michael Schumacher
- Build a career from scratch, going from team to team, or rise to fame as part of a selected team from the outset
- Become a racing driver and test drive F1 2010 - a game that will show you what true speed

System requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP ™ / Windows ® Vista ™ / Windows ® 7even ™
- Processor: Intel Core ™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 +
- Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista / 7)
- Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 7800 GS / ATI ® Radeon X1800 or better)
- Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- Free space on hard drive: 10 GB
- Additional software: DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10, DirectX 11
- Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP:
- The basis is taken from the license - Codemasters -
- Audio quality 100%
- Video quality 100%
- Cut all languages ​​other than English (voice interface and English)
- Nothing is converted
- Enclosing the tablet from Razor 1991
- There (Support) ext. FOR: Open AL, Rapture 3D
- Installation is not required
- RIPed by [globe @]

Installation instructions:
1. Unzip
2. Unzip F1 2010.arc withFreeArc
3. Install the program from the folder Support
4. Move razarhivrovannuyu folder on your desktop
5. Start the game with f1_2010.exe
6. Play


Download FileSonic

Download WUpload

Download FileServe


Conflict: Desert Storm 2 - Back To Baghdad ENG RIP by Dotcom1

Conflict: Desert Storm 2 - Back To Baghdad ENG RIP by Dotcom1 | 1.01 GB
Genre : Action (Shooter/Tactical)/3D | Developer : Pivotal Games | Platform : PC
Publisher : SCi Entertainment Group | Publication Type : RIP | Language : English

Your task: to destroy stocks of chemical weapons, experimental models of weapons, tactical missiles and Scud neutralize the last areas of potential danger, expose the territory of Kuwait from the remnants of the elite unit of fighters Republican Army.
The key point in carrying out its tasks - smooth interaction of all team members. Only the strongest and the fittest are able to get away from the chase or to survive under continuous heavy artillery fire and enemy snipers.

- The real test of courage, endurance and martial arts - Lead the team of saboteurs in the rear of the enemy!
- You are presiding over an elite unit, consisting of four soldiers - Commander, Sniper, Heavy, and Minesweeper
- 10 missions during the passage of which is necessary to use tactical and strategic skills, as well as the use of camouflage and secretive movement
- Your soldiers are not only armed to the teeth, but are able to manage a huge variety of armored vehicles
- Compared with the previous part of the game the opponents are more cunning and dangerous
- Improved graphics engine and improved sound

System requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® 98 / 2000 / ME / XP ™
- Processor: Intel Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 1000 +
- Memory: 256 MB
- Video: 3D-graphics adapter with 64 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 8.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 3 or better)
- Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 8.1
- Free hard drive space: 1.2 GB
- Additional software: DirectX 9.0c
- Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP:
- The basis is taken from the license - SCi Entertainment Group -
- Audio quality 100%
- Video quality 100%
- Cut all languages ​​other than English (voice interface and English)
- Nothing is converted
- Tablet enclosing
- Installation time: 2-3 minutes ~
- RIPed by [Dotcom1]


Download FileSonic

Download WUpload

Download FileServe




RemoveIT Pro 4 SE 8.6.2011 Full Version

RemoveIT Pro 4 SE 8.6.2011 Full Version | 4.3 MB

RemoveIT Pro removes many viruses that other popular antivirus software cannot discover. If you can't clean your computer from worms and viruses, adwares and spywares, then you should try with this software. RemoveIT Pro is an easy-to-use security software that allows you to protect your PC.

RemoveIT Pro program is specific because he detects malicious files and viruses that many other popular programs does not detect. It also offers you full report of active processes with full paths and full windows startup list of files that starts on windows startup.

Locate and remove many new dangerous files including Spyware, Malware, Virus, Worm, Trojan and Adware that other popular AV programs cannot find.

Spoiler for : Click For Download...




RonyaSoft Poster Designer 2.01.22 Full + keygen and patch

RonyaSoft Poster Designer 2.01.22 Full + keygen and patch | 12.52 MB

RonyaSoft Poster Designer is a software program for quick and easy design and printing of attractive custom posters, banners and signs. The software is shipped with a collection of ready-to-use poster templates. Alternatively, you can create posters from scratch or design your own poster templates for further use. Posters and banners may be printed directly on a home or office printer, exported to an image files to be printed by a print service provider, or used in the Internet (myspace, livejournal, flickr, etc.). Use an extra add-on (RonyaSoft Poster Printer) to print posters, banners and signs in big-size multipage format.
• WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) object editor
• Object rotation and transparency support
• Poster projects support
• Print Master with layout customizing
• Export to images
• Multipage printing
• Built-in ready-to-use predesigned poster templates
• Built-in clipart library
• Multilingual interface with Unicode support
• Amazing skins
• Metric and Imperial measurements (mm, cm, inch)

• Advertisement poster template
• Discounts (Promotion) poster template
• House Sale poster template
• Old West Wanted poster template
• Movie (Film) poster template
• Magazine Cover poster templates
• Birthday poster template
• Wedding poster template
• Christmas poster template
• Party poster template
• Quiz Night poster templates
• Motivational (Inspirational) poster templates
• Scientific poster template
• Winners poster template
• Lost (Missing) Pet poster template

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Google Chrome 11.0.696.77 Final Portable Full Version

Google Chrome 11.0.696.77 Final Portable Full Version | 28 Mb

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. In Google Chrome, you can get anywhere on the Web with one box. The address bar that sits at the top of the normal Google Chrome window simplifies your Internet experience by doubling as a search box. You can also use it to bookmark websites and stay aware about the security of a website.

Type your search query in the address bar, and it automatically suggests related queries and popular websites, based on your input. (Google Suggest is the default service that provides auto-suggestions unless your default search engine uses an alternate service.)

Visit a webpage
If you know the specific web address you're trying to access, type it directly in the address bar. Press Enter on the keyboard or click the arrow icon to load the webpage. As you type, Google Chrome also automatically searches your browsing history and shows you the number of matches at the bottom of its drop-down menu.

Create a bookmark
If you come across an interesting webpage that you'd like to access again in the future, click the star icon on the browser toolbar to create a bookmark. A bubble confirming the addition of the bookmark appears. To tweak the bookmark's name, edit the text in the 'Name' field. Use the 'Folder' drop-down menu to choose where you want to store the bookmark. Learn more about organizing bookmarks. To tweak the bookmark's URL, click the Edit button. If you accidentally clicked the star icon, you can quickly revert your action by clicking the Remove link. Learn more about deleting bookmarks.

Website security
If Google Chrome detects that the website you're trying to access will securely transmit data using SSL, you'll see the following:
The background color of the address bar changes to gold.
The 'https' in the URL appears in green for websites with SSL-secured connections established.
A lock icon appears at the end of the address bar.
If a SSL-secured connection cannot be established, then you'll see an alert icon at the end of the address bar, among other possible browser warnings. You can click the icon to open the 'Security information' dialog box and see more information.

Size (RAR): 28 Mb
2% recovery record

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Bee Movie Game Full Version

Bee Movie Game Full Version | 265 MB

PC game | English | Activision | Genre: Action

Bee Movie Game lets players race, chase and fly their way through an adrenaline fueled world of adventure as they experience the hilarious antics of Barry B. Benson, a dynamic and daring bee who knows there is more to life than making honey.

Game Features:

. Driving fun: drive race cars, scooters, taxicabs, trucks, and more.

. Fly and chase: Fly, hover, and dive at high speed through the skies. Chase after cars and dodge traffic through the dangerous streets of New York.

. Slow down time: control and slow down time with your bee reflexes.

. Buzz and pollinate: Buzz around to cause chain reactions to occur. Use your handy Pollinator Gun to blast away dangers.

. Multiplayer: compete in multiplayer mini games to see who dominates.

. Bonus points: win bonus points with racing, classic arcade, and puzzle games.

Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Processor: Pentium 3 800 MHz

Memory: 512 MB

Hard Drive: 512 MB Free

Video Memory: 64 MB

Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

DirectX: 9.0c

Keyboard Mouse

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Chillin and Chillin 3D Visual Style

Chillin and Chillin 3D Visual Style | 6.99 MB
Year : 2011 | OS : Windows 7

2 Variations:
- Chillin (Flat Interface; Minimal)
- Chillin3D (Full Shadow, Provides Depth and Perception)


1.) Drag both 'Chillin.theme' and the 'Theme' folder to 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\'

2.) Right click on desktop -> Personalize...there you should see in Installed Themes.

Click on it to apply theme.

Spoiler for : Click For Download...


Earth Alerts 2011.1.112 Portable Full Version

Earth Alerts 2011.1.112 Portable Full Version | 3 Mb

Earth Alerts is a Windows-based application that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe!

Earth Alerts uses a variety of online resources provided by organizations such as the National Weather Service, U.S. Geological Survey and Smithsonian Institution (just to name a few), to identify what sort of activities "Mother Earth" is currently dishing out on the planet.

To use Earth Alerts, you simply select the specific natural hazards -- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildland fires, landslides, severe weather, local weather, etc. -- and the locations that interest you. Earth Alerts will get the latest information from various live data feeds available on the Internet and present it to you in a convenient arrangement of reports, maps and images.

Here are some key features of "Earth Alerts":

· Global activity overview: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and tropical cyclones (typhoons, hurricanes, tropical storms, tropical depressions and other disturbances)
· Activity for user-selected Global locations (anywhere outside the U.S.): local earthquakes, local weather including current conditions, forecasts and satellite imagery
· United States activity overview: severe weather including special tornado and severe thunderstorm watches, volcanoes, wildland fires (wildfires), and landslide related hazards
· Activity for user-selected United States locations: local earthquakes; local wildland fires; local weather including NWS weather/hazard alerts, current conditions, forecasts and radar/satellite imagery
· Google Earth™ integration provides visualizations of recent earthquake events, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildland fires and severe weather warnings. Google Earth™ integration also provides high resolution views of any user-selected U.S. or Global location
· Visual and sound notifications on your Windows desktop identifying active alerts
· Email notifications of active alerts
· Mobile phone text message (SMS) alert notifications of active tsunami watches / warnings, magnitude 5.0+ earthquakes, major volcanic eruptions and tornado warnings.

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1st Desktop Guard 3.0 Full + keygen + Patch

1st Desktop Guard 3.0 Full + keygen + Patch | 1 Mb

Stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver
1st Desktop Guard lets you prevent your desktop icons from getting rearranged, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, secure your public access computers, save, restore, manage and lock desktop layouts.

With personal computers becoming part of our lives and everyone in the household using them, it's hard to keep track of the icons that are located on the desktop.1st Desktop Guard stop users from changing the desktop wallpaper and screen saver.

Many times, you might want to arrange them differently for different jobs. Moreover in case the computer is located in a shared environment like public library or university or internet cafe, a lot of people can use it and rearrange the icons or change the wallpaper.

Many times icons get accidentally deleted and it is no longer possible to restore. To avoid this problem altogether, we created this software that will help you tidy up your personal desktop space.

It will allow you to make your work faster and easier, with a few easy steps and will rid you of the hassles related to your desktop. You can save and restore all the desktop icon positions and if you or somebody else deletes an icon on the desktop, the program will restore it.

If the desktop wallpaper has ever been changed, the program will restore it. The software can run in automatic mode, so that desktop is restored automatically.

Multiple people can enjoy the comfort of their customized desktop settings without any problems. 1st Desktop Guard saves and restores not only the position of each icon on the desktop, but also the shortcuts themselves. Deleted icons will be restored from program's repository so no need to worry about lost or deleted icons anymore.

You can assign different privileges to different users and protect the program with a password, so that only you could login and change, save, restore or delete any layouts.

1st Desktop Guard also saves the desktop image in its own repository thus eliminating the need to change it back after each person. This is especially useful for public places where you need to keep desktop layout.

Here are some key features of "1st Desktop Guard":

· Save and restore all the desktop icons - You can use the program to save and restore any number of desktop icons layouts at any time You can arrange the icons and desktop any way you want them and save the layout. This way multiple people can enjoy the comfort of their customized desktop settings without any problems.

· Restoring deleted icons - The program saves not only the position of each icon on the desktop, but also the shortcuts themselves. This way, if the icons is deleted, 1st Desktop Guard will restore it from it's own repository. There is no need to worry about lost or deleted icons any more.

· Password protect your configuration - You can protect the program with a password, so that only you can login and change, save, restore or delete any layouts.

· Assign different privileges to different users - You can specify different privileges to each of the user profiles you have on your Windows. You can control if the user has access to the program, can the user change security options, save or delete desktop layouts and allow the user access to tray icon. Each user can be fine-tuned subset of these options on this screen.

· Restoring desktop wallpaper - The program also saves the desktop image in it's own repository. Thus eliminating the need to change it back after each person. This is especially useful for public places that need to have a logo on their desktop or a disclaimer. Many public places could also use the desktop to place phone number and email of the support or helpdesk and periodically change it for different shifts.

· Automatic desktop restoration - You can assign a layout that will always be kept by default. No matter how the icons or wallpaper gets rearranged, they will be restored after each reboot automatically, eliminating the need to even run the program at all.

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Logo Maker Software 8.0.2011 Multilingual Full + patch + Keygen

Logo Maker Software 8.0.2011 Multilingual Full + patch + Keygen | 30.67 MB

Logo creation made easy with logo design software. Create attractive and professional logos with just a few clicks!
1800+ predesigned stunning logo templates.
5000 beautifully designed vector graphics.
300+ fonts and ready text styles for logo creation.
Export in TIFF, PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, PDF and Vector EPS formats.
Apply color adjustments, filters and various effects.
Enhanced! 1500 high quality Logo templates

Now, you can choose from 1500 pre- designed templates. Logosmartz has added a wide collection of high quality, professionally designed logo templates.
4000 high quality vector graphic symbols
You have access to over 4000 high quality vector graphic symbols and over a 100 fonts while creating a logo.
Enhanced! Pre defined Text Styles
With Logosmartz you can also use predefined text styles such as arc text, concave text etc which can be readily applied to text.
New! Filters
Logosmartz comes with filters like grayscale, invert, sharpen, emboss and water to provide special effects to your logo elements.
New! Fill with picture
This unique functionality allows you to mask any image to the selected symbol, shape or text.
Easily customizable, add special effects to text and symbols
The new LogoSmartz offers various incredible effects that you can apply to text and symbols. Blur effect has been added to Logosmartz. The existing effects include Gradient effects, Shadow effects, Bevel effects, and Outline effects. Using these, you can create many distinct logo options.
Import Fonts
You can import your system fonts to Logosmartz and use them as and when you like.
With the new Layers feature you can control the position of various objects in your logo; you can place a more important object over the other and create different effects.
New! Arrangement tools
Logosmartz comes with 3 arrangement tools, send backward and bring forward by one layer, group and ungroup, 6 alignment options which will assist you in arranging your logo elements.
New! Color palettes
Now, access 9 different Color palettes in Logosmartz. RGB palettes: Standard, Pastels, Primary, Metallic & Vivid AND CMYK palettes: Primary, Spectrum, Pastels and Dark shades . Apply colors to the logo objects from any Color Palette.
New! Color Picker
Use Color Picker tool to apply any desired color from the screen on your Logo.
Color Adjustments
Color Adjustments include Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue properties .You can adjust these for text, symbols, shapes and images.
New! Blur
You can apply Blur effect on your logo objects and create a distinct logo.
New! Transparency
You can provide transparency effect to text, image, symbol or shape.
New! Flip
Flip vertical and horizontal feature can help you in designing an innovative logo.
New! Save Logo project as Template
You can save your designed logo as template in software; hence you can easily access your logo design in future from the templates itself!
New! Send Logo as Email
With Logosmartz, you can share your logo with others via E-mail as attachment.
New! Add Grid and Ruler
You can work on your logo more precisely with the help of view tools such as grid and ruler.
LogoSmartz predefined Color Styles
For convenience; LogoSmartz offers several predefined color styles that you can apply on logo symbols, shapes, text, and images. By applying these textures you can create various remarkable variations of your logo in no time. You can try as many styles before you finalize the one that you find most suitable for your logo. You can also customize these styles by replacing colors and changing opacity of fills etc.
Lock and Hide
Lock feature will allow you to lock the position of the objects that you do not want to change during designing process. Later these objects can be unlocked. On the other hand hide feature will hide the object which you do not want to appear on the logo during designing process. Later these objects can be unhidden.
Tagline Resource
Add taglines to your logo, from our huge tagline resource
Enhanced! Upload and customize Images to create your custom Logo
You can also import an image in PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats of any size and dimensions for logo creation. You can resize the image and use it as per your need.
Enhanced! Customizing the Stage
Customize the height and width of your stage as per your requirement .You can add color to the stage or fill it with image.
Lines and arcs
Logosmartz now allows you to create lines of any size, thickness and color, and even dashed lines. You provide arc to a line and customize it.
Enhanced! Logo Output is in 7 formats and in any size you want
Logosmartz 8.0 has Your logo becomes available to you in TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, PDF, BMP and Vector EPS. Vector EPS is a high resolution vector format ideal for printing while GIFs and JPEGs are low resolution and ideal for the Web. The TIFF and PNG are lossless formats that give high clarity output.
Create transparent Logos LogoSmartz allows you to create Transparent logos in PNG and GIF formats.
LogoSmartz Online Tutorial
To help you design logos using Logosmartz logo designing software, we have added an online tutorial.
LogoSmartz has multi-lingual support
Logosmartz application is geared to handle English, French and Spanish

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ZoneAlarm Pro v10.0.240.000 Full + Keygen + Patch

ZoneAlarm Pro v10.0.240.000 Full + Keygen + Patch | 57 Mb

ZoneAlarm Pro - a well-known firewall designed to protect your computer from threats of all kinds at work on the Internet and local networks. The program provides excellent protection on the basis of the firewall, including the possibility of completely disconnect all network and Internet activity. Firewall has flexible configuration rules, which can be configured individually or use the preset rules. Filter Application (Access List), allows you to set access rights to the network for each program. There is a possibility of instantaneous automatic or manual blocking of access applications on the Internet. The program monitors incoming and outgoing mail, and can rename potentially dangerous attachments and put them in quarantine. Number of outgoing mail can be restricted to prevent mass mailings when infecting a computer, e-mail worms.

ZoneAlarm Pro also supports validation of digital signatures is a detailed log of events and has the means to analyze, with the subsequent issuance of textual and graphical information. Program features customizable control cookies, blocking the transfer of personal information about users on the Web-sites. Function block banner ads and pop-ups can get rid of annoying advertising, that are sensitive accelerates page loading speed.

Firewall triple protection:
- Goes beyond traditional PC firewalls to protect the entire PC from hackers, spyware and other Internet threats
- Blocks hackers, not giving them access to your computer
- Automatically makes your computer invisible on the Internet
- Spyware, preventing them from sending personal information over the Internet Users
- Protects the program and the operating system from malicious software

Powerful AntiSpyware:
- Scans and removes thousands of spyware traces from your computer
- Automatically removes the most dangerous viruses and useless to the user spyware
- "Clean" legal software monitoring (for example, Cookies for Web sites, which are often used)

Service protection (SmartDefense Service):
- Provides a PC user to a security update in real time and new ways to protect against attacks
- SmartDefense Adviser automatically delivers new models of spyware and viruses on the PC user for a modern defense
- DefenseNet supports the safety of PC, constantly renewing the base spyware and malware using the ZoneAlarm user community

Enhanced protection of personal data and privacy:
- Protects against theft of personal data and online backup
- Prevents the spread of personal user data from his computer without his consent
- Automatically stops pop-ads

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MalwareBytes Anti Malware v1.51.0.1200 Full + Keygen + Patch

MalwareBytes Anti Malware v1.51.0.1200 Full + Keygen + Patch | 9 MB

Malware is big and malware is bad. Your computer is constantly at risk from infection by malware including viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, dialers and spyware. Malwarebytes specializes in fighting malware. If viruses are mischief, malware is mayhem. Malware doesn’t just want to disrupt your network, it wants your keystrokes, logins, passwords, address book, data, credit card information, favorite t-shirt and possibly your cat. Malware is not going away any time soon. Malware is growing, developing, constantly evolving. Malware is becoming more difficult to detect, and even harder to remove.

Only the most sophisticated anti-malware techniques can detect and remove malicious programs from your computer. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO combines powerful new technologies designed to seek out, destroy, and prevent malware. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO detects AND protects in an easy-to-use, straightforward, heavy-hitting but lightweight anti-malware application.

Taking the Byte out of Malware
Malwarebytes technology takes the next step in the fight against malware. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO detects and removes malware where even the best known anti-virus and anti-malware applications fail.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO monitors every process and stops malicious processes before they even start. The Proactive Protection Module keeps your system safe and secure with advanced heuristic scanning technology. The comprehensive Threats Center keeps you up-to-date with the latest malware threats.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO Features include:
Flash - Lightning fast scan speeds
Thorough - Full scans for all drives
Works Well With Others - Cooperative functionality
Puts YOU first! - Priority database updates
Puts Malware in the Slammer - Quarantine function holds threats and lets you restore at your convenience
Talk to the hand - Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module
For Your Pleasure - Customizable settings enhance performance
Toolbox - Extra utilities to help remove malware manually
Nitty Gritty - Command line support for quick scanning
RPP, Yeah You Know Me - Realtime Proactive Protection Module
Hablamos Everything! - Multi-lingual support (Klingon still in beta)
Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

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RarLab WinRAR v4.01 Full Version + Cracked

RarLab WinRAR v4.01 Full Version + Cracked | 2.12 MB

WinRAR is a 32-bit / 64-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, the powerful archiver and archive manager. WinRAR's main features are very strong general and multimedia compression, solid compression, archive protection from damage, processing of ZIP and other non-RAR archives, scanning archives for viruses, programmable self-extracting archives(SFX), authenticity verification, NTFS and Unicode support, strong AES encryption, support of multivolume archives, command line and graphical interface, drag-and-drop facility, wizard interface, theme support, folder tree panel, multithread support and Windows x64 shell integration. WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack and convert CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, 7-Zip archives. WinRAR is available in over 40 languages.

- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

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HotFile & FileSonic & WeUpload & EasyShare & TurboBit Premium Account

HotFile & FileSonic & WeUpload & EasyShare & TurboBit Premium Account
Last Updated: June 4, 2011

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Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 10.00.00 Full Version

Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 10.00.00 Full Version - 69 Mb

More than a simple Antivirus! The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2011 offers the easiest and most intuitive protection for your computer. Install it and forget about viruses, spyware, root kits, hackers and online fraud
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Real Hide IP Full + Keygen + Patch - Anonymous Web Surfing

Real Hide IP Full + Keygen + Patch

Real Hide IP | Full + Keygen + Patch | 2011 | Windows 7, Vista, XP | 5.9 MB

Real Hide IP - the program to protect your real IP address and encrypt your personal information. Program Hide IP allows you to surf the Internet anonymously by hiding your real IP address, protecting your personal information from hackers and ensuring full data encryption.

Use Real Hide IP to surf anonymously, prevent hackers from monitoring your online activities or identity thieves from stealing your identity and other personal information, send anonymous email, and un-ban yourself from forums or restricted websites.

Hiding your real IP-address
Anonymous Web Surfing
Protecting your personal information from hackers
Lifting of the ban from your account on forums or websites
Prevention of tracking your Internet activity
Supports popular web browsers
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